Awarma (Preserved Meat a La Libanaise) Recipe

Awarma in a dish

The winter season in Lebanon is very cold, especially in the mountains. Back in older times, villagers used to preserve the meat cultivated in the summer to cook it during the cold season. Awarma can last for one year when kept in the fridge. Although people are no longer isolated enough to worry about it, especially in the city,  Awarma is still found in many homes. It is usually cooked with egg, kishk or even over hummus.

It is very important that everything you use for cooking is very dry. Make sure to keep away from water while cooking and preserving.


1 kilo lean beef, cut into very small cubes (about 1/2 cm)
1/2 kilo sheep fat, (the best part is the fat found in the tail area, but if not available, you can use other part)
1 tablespoon sea salt
1 teaspoon pepper or seven spices


In a pot, and on a low fire, place the fat and let it melt very slowly; when the fat is halfway cooked, add half the salt

When the fat is completely melted, add the meat, and cook stirring always, to allow the meat to cook evenly
Season with salt and pepper, cook on a low fire until the meat is well cooked

When cooked, place the meat in jars, and keep in cold dry place. You can refrigerate it also.

Awarma in a jar

After it is prepared, you can store it for several months. It is best eaten alongside something else. I prepared it with scrambled eggs

Awarma with scrambled eggs in a plate

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